Eka Sriram invites readers to embark on a thrilling adventure with her debut novel, Flames and Shadows: The Lost Quest. Set in the enchanting backdrop...
Since her debut, Ananya Panday has consistently taken risks and embraced challenges, quickly establishing herself as a standout performer in the Indian film industry. Her...
Banganapalli , Alphonso, Totapuri, Sindhura, Mallika, Ram Kela mangoes will make Mango Fest special Lucknow: Fun Republic Mall, the famous shopping destination in Lucknow, announces...
Mumbai, 24/05/2024 — Kohira, the renowned lab-grown diamond brand, proudly announces the grand opening of its first flagship showroom in Mumbai, located on the bustling...
In our busy world, it’s hard to find direction and clarity, especially with so many uncertainties. But now, thanks to online astrology services, like those...
Happy Pizza Day! Today is the day commemorating the historic event of Laszlo Hanyecz exchanging 10,000 BTC for two pizzas 14 years ago. In celebration,...
Dr. Mahesh Gupta, an IIT luminary in India’s innovation landscape, has consistently illuminated the path of transformative technologies. Renowned for his pioneering contributions to water...